It’s 2:30 am, and in the stillness of the night, thoughts that had been pushed aside by the responsibilities of the previous day are finally resurfacing. My mind wanders recklessly as memories, visions and ideas intermingle in a dance of reflection.
I have no duty or work to keep my mind occupied while I ignore the questions in my head. I suppose the only way out is to have this discussion with myself in my head, but before then let’s write…

In the Stillness of the Night: A Journey Through Silent Moments
Sometimes, these silent nights are the perfect moments to reconnect with God, to intercede for family, friends, the body and church of Christ, and to tender requests. Other times, they are solely for offering thanks, nothing but gratitude.
At times, these quiet nights become a time for creativity, where the silence becomes a canvas for fresh ideas and inspiration to flourish.
Sometimes, they are moments of reflection, where the day's events or recent happenings are replayed, and the path for tomorrow begins to take shape.
There are nights sacrificed to stay up late, talking to a distant lover in another city, bridging the gap between hearts with whispered words.
These nights are sometimes restricted to working extra hours; a means to fight against poverty.
Occasionally, these nights are devoted to studying as if your life depends on it, where sleep simply isn’t an option.
Sometimes, the quiet nights make you vulnerable, bringing out the poet within as you confess deep, meaningful words to someone special.
At other times, it's the best opportunity to catch up with a loved one living in a different time zone, making the world feel a little closer.
And sometimes, these quiet nights fulfill their simplest purpose, offering the chance to finally rest and have a deep sleep after a long, exhausting day.
In the silence of the night, the wandering mind is a powerful tool, able to explore wide landscapes of thought, unburdened by the constraints of time.
To Build A Home- The Cinematic Orchestra, Patrick Watson
There are dreadful nights...and also there are nights to enjoy
All these are part of our lives
Btw... I almost lost my Substack account. Thankfully, we are back!